Sign Specialists were approached by BAM Construction to tender for the re-branding of the NIA (National Indoor Area) in Birmingham City Centre to the Barclaycard Arena. Barclaycard themselves had a nominated design agency who provided the signage and way finding concepts but they did not have specific existing signage details or quantities – our remit therefore was to carry out a comprehensive and full site survey to compile an inventory of existing signage which was then passed on to all parties involved.
Using this information and cross referencing with the established Barclaycard brand guidelines, Sign Specialists then produced signage and way finding proposals detailing full specification and their locations for each sign type which were forwarded to the client for approval. These details were then distributed to all relevant parties in order to co-ordinate our works and ensure seamless delivery of each stage.
Signage types included totems, finger posts signs, entrance statements, corner elevation mounted signage as well as a wide range of internal way finding signage and vinyls to guide visitors to the relevant areas.
The original enquiry from BAM was received in September with notification that we had been successful received at the end of the month – we were given 8 weeks to complete the entire project in order that we achieve their launch date of the end of November.
Sign Specialists allocated a dedicated Project Manager who oversaw the project from beginning to end – a full time role which entailed regular meetings, co-ordination of visuals for approval and all production and installation. It meant constant liaising with BAM to co-ordinate when areas would be completed in order for us to install the signage at the right time and meet deadlines.
We were proud to be involved – particularly as the venue was so well known and relatively close to our factory which aided us in relation to the co-ordination of project management and installation.